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Episode 37: Boots On The Ground

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Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Empty Episode 37: Boots On The Ground

Post by Shiva_Lunaria Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:43 pm

Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Ep37_110
After a crazy battle in the snow, The Legacy found shelter in a nearby base where they had a warm meal, bath, and a bed to sleep upon. All seemed quiet and well until the evening hours fell upon them. During the night while everyone was fast asleep Leric felt unwell and was left weak...perhaps there was something making him ill from the fight against the dragons. As everyone fell asleep...Shiva had heard him unwell and went to check on him. She could see that his condition was unwell, and he needed to go back to Fairytail as soon as possible. Shiva left a note behind that she reached out to Dorion and the others and that they would meet her halfway to get him to better health. However, it would seem that Shiva did not want to return back to Corethas for the moment and wanted to aid with Leric.

The note she left behind read:

Leric needs some assistance, and I would like to talk to Yue about the matter as I have noticed something. Please know that I will return soon. I promise I will be safe. Please do the same.
- Shiva

For the moment the group was left sleeping. As morning came Zena was the first to see the note. She waited for everyone else to wake up. She noticed that even though Shiva had left for the time being she didn’t leave the group without nourishment. Shiva left a basket of bread, meats, and vegetables for the group, so Zena decided to try and create a small breakfast for The Legacy. She noticed that Shiva left some loose teas and coffee beans in the basket as well, so she began to prepare them as well. The smells of the tea and beans made her smile.

Trunks was the first to wake up and noticed that Shiva was not in the bed next to him; where did she go? He got dressed thinking she may have gotten up before him. As he made his way into the main room, he saw Zena taking care of things. He leaned against the wall and worked on rolling some fresh cigarettes for himself.

Ljrn was the next to wake up and she took care of business first. After a wash and a change of clothes. Ljrn made her way down the stairs and got near the table to work on something important. Ljrn began to construct a new syrixi to replace the one she used to patch-up Ruby.  The polarizing nature of Ruby's aether essentially ruined the device.  Fortunately, as Ljrn had stated, she considered it disposable and removed the affected components for future disposal.  And so, she now leans over the table, painstakingly placing the new components into the device.  

Shortly after Ljrn’s arrival to the room K’enion also made her way down the stairs and found herself silently sitting among the others. The battle was still fresh in her mind, and she wasn’t sure how to feel just yet. Her feelings came out in a large sigh which prompted Trunks to break the ice. Trunks asked Zena if Leric was awake yet. Zena placed all of the food and drinks and let everyone know that the meals and drinks were made, and she decided to let them know that Shiva and Leric returned to Fairytail.

Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Ep37_210

As Zena explained the situation to The Legacy, Ruby also found herself awake reaching over for the coffee. For the moment she felt like death and wasn’t fully awake; she needed coffee and fast. Ljrn listened to Zena explain that Shiva and Leric returned home but, her focus was on fixing her weapon so as she listened to the group, she asked Zena to pour her some coffee into a mug. Ljrn asks if it's another patient for her to care for upon their return to Fairytail which Zena declined right away.

Zena explained to Dr. Arda that Leric’s condition was beyond her normal work. Zena felt it herself just as dawn broke. Zena could feel his energy and she knew that there was something on his mind which was affecting his physical health. For the moment he needed to go home and be with his kind. K’enion noticed that they were both gone but, she didn’t know much about the group just yet. Zena promised K’enion that she would meet the rest of The Legacy in time.

Trunks wondered if his actions during the battle against Ifrit and their journey to the Ruby Sea caused Leric to not take care of himself. Feeling a bit bad Trunks decided to go out for a smoke and to find himself relaxing in the snow. He promised the group that he would be back in just a few moments. As Trunks has his smoke, Ljrn continues to work on her Syrixus. With a wave, the device, along with its three twins resting on her belt, takes to the air, where Ljrn runs the little things through their paces to ensure they all respond as required.

As Zena and Ruby cozy up to each other, Zena asks Ljrn about what she was doing. Ljrn explains that she was simply rebuilding one of them. Ljrn explained that Ruby's aether is volatile and even though the Syrixus did its job, it was rendered... incompatible with its partners.  Ljrn took the time to replace the pieces since they are disposable devices that are better suited for her work and far more lightweight. Zena admires her work and explains how she would like to learn more about them in the future.

While they talk among each other, K’enion asks the group about Fairytail. She wonders when they return, would be accepted among the others being that she is part dragon. Ruby and Ljrn both reassure her that she would be safe upon their arrival, and it would be a matter of time before they returned. Zena assumed that once Trunks was back inside and had his meal the group would set back there in hopes of returning shortly.

Just outside Trunks found himself lying back in the snow just drifting off into making a snow angel. He still had a lot on his mind, and he just wanted to escape into the silence for the time being. As he found himself listening to the wind and falling snow, a set of boots began to track through the snow next to him. When Trunks opened his eyes, Luminara was before himself smiling gently but looking at Trunks confused.

Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Ep37_310

He wasn’t used to seeing her out in the open like this as normally the two exchanged conversations at Fairytail. It was good to see her but seeing her confused made him chuckle as well. Jayne laughed and asked what course of action lead to him being in the snow. He explained that he needed an escape but, his concern at the moment was why was she here. Jayne explains that she got a call from Shiva in the morning about Leric’s condition and while Dorion was still training she felt that this was the best time to ever test her strength and see if she was ready to be out with the group. Knowing that she was rusty for fighting she knew she could at least help with some matters while Dorion was away. Trunks asks what is going on with Dorion and Jayne explains that Dorion was doing things to better his body for the road ahead and would return to The Legacy shortly. The main reason was that Shiva mentioned that there was a new warrior among the group and Jayne wanted to see K’enion for herself.

Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Ep37_410

Trunks leads the way inside and Jayne looks and smiles at those she has grown close to. Zena is surprised to see her sister-in-law here and automatically asks if everything is okay. Jayne reassures Zena those things are okay, and she wanted to check in on everyone out in Corethas. K’enion and Jayne’s eyes meet right away and the two seem defensive to each other. K’enion asks who Jayne is and Jayne walks over gently placing her hand onto K’enion’s arms to let her know she was safe.

K’enion continues to focus on Jayne unsure of what to say or how to act but, simply states that she is half dragon and knows how to fight. Jayne chuckles and says she can feel her aura and knows of that and continues to reassure K’enion that she is safe. Jayne closed her eyes and decided to pass a vision on to her. In the vision, K’enion can see Jayne in Ishgard working with humans and dragon creatures alike. She seemed happy and was always working with people for the better good. Suddenly, the vision goes black, and she could see Jayne arguing with a man. Jayne rushes out of the room and the next time K’enion saw her she was in the battle against Midgardsormr and a beam light was shot through Jayne’s chest, and she was there dead on the ground.

When K’enion came back she could see the rest of the group watching her. K’enion questions all that she saw. She wasn’t sure what that was and why it confused her. Jayne calmly explains to her that what she had witnessed was a vision called the echo. Jayne explains that K’enion possesses the power of The Echo just like the rest of The Legacy members. Seeing the confusion Jayne explains that it comes from her soul and allows K’enion to see the past in unique ways and times. The Echo will help protect K’enion to be tempered by primals, which would explain why she was able to stay safe in the fight against the dragons. K’enion was unsure for the moment and decides to ask Jayne more about their current situation. K’enion understood that the group was facing a tough fight ahead but, she wanted to know more about Lady Death.

Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Ep37_510

Jayne explains that Lady Death was the reason for the final days came to these lands in recent years and it was why the group before them was working so hard to stop it. Zena expresses to Jayne that she is happy to see her and glad she is meeting K’enion but, when Jayne comes dressed in the gear that she was in there was business to be discussed. Ruby senses her lover's concerns and holds her tight letting her know that everything was going to be okay. Trunks asks if Jayne had any information on Bon where Lady Death was and if Leric was okay.  

Jayne senses Trunks’ discomfort and lets him know that Leric is not as ill as he may think, nothing that battle has caused. Leric has made himself ill and needs to feed more than he has in the past. After the battle with Ifrit, Jayne says that Leric went off to do something and never fed. He went back home just to face the dragons and by the time the battle was over, Leric was very weak and needed a ton of aether. Zena interrupts for a moment to ask on the real reason Jayne and Dorion were hard at work to track Bon and Lady Death. Jayne smiles and explains that it has been a far more complex process than anyone had expected it to be.

Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Ep37_610

Jayne explains that it would seem our situation in Corethas has led the group to find K'enion. When Shiva contacted Jayne about her, she took the time to pray to the twelve and meditate. Upon her concentration and meditation, she was able to hear the gods and she was told that K’enion was a missing Legacy member. Just like the others, a weapon awaited K’enion but in order to get there, K’enion would have to be tested among the group just as all the other members did before her. Once Jayne was able to evaluate K’enion she would lead the group to another weapon; a lance held in Zenith made for K’enion.

Trunks mentions that it's nice and all to hear about K’enion, but he was upset that the part about rescuing his brother Bon was still not a focus. Jayne turned her attention to Trunks and explained that his brother is in the airship with Lady Death. In order to find Lady Death, the final primal needed to show itself but, until it did, they would not be able to move forward with the search and rescue. Dorion and Anthi were actually working together to find the primal as she remained here with The Legacy. During Jayne’s meditation, she was able to tap into her aether that had been locked away and she was able to produce one final gift for the group before her.

Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Ep37_710

Jayne suggests that the group has one final training session with her to test the power of their new crystals so that they can face the final primal and Lady Death. The group willingly accepts the crystals whereas Zena feels useless to have one. Jayne and Ruby remind her that she is just as important to the group as they are and that this would grant her further protection in the fight with Lady Death. The group follows Jayne out into an open field to practice their power. Jayne suggests that the group fights outside of Snowcloak as it is an open area and a great spot for them to channel their aether.

Jayne decides to test The Legacy a series of tests in order to help them improve their power. The first thing Jayne asks the group is to tap into their energy and see what they fight for. Zena taps into her own magick and says she fights for those who affected by the veil, her friends like Dean and E’ra who had passed in the war against the Red Veil, but also, she fights for her brother Delgado, who wasn’t given the right chance in all of this. K’enion focuses her magick and says that she will protect the dragons no matter what. K’enion also chooses to defend anyone who is an ally of them. Trunks says that he fights for the future. He fights to protect the family he has worked so hard to keep safe. He also fights for his brother and his fiancé he loves so much and hopes for a bright future as a family with them. Ljrn struggles to see what she fights for but decides to speak on it regardless. Ljrn does not break her promises, nor betrays her oaths, and shares with the group that she is bound to this path and this burden. Jayne notices Ruby’s hesitation.

Ruby puts away her weapon as she smiles. She knows what she's fighting for. And really there's only one logical step left in her mind. She looks over to Zena kneels before the woman. Ruby tells Zena that Zena is her family and she wants to fight for this world as well. Ruby asks that when the war is over for the two of them to marry because she cannot see this world without her. Caught off guard tears fall from Zena's eyes in joy as she kisses the woman she loves so much. Zena agrees to marry Ruby when the war is over.

The group is shocked but also proud of the two women; they showed the group that in times like these, love still exists and they alone prove that life is worth fighting for. Jayne tries to keep focused and asks the group to also reach into themselves and tap into their element once more. Jayne hoped by tapping into their crystals they would unlock a new power.

Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Ep37_810

Ljrn moves the water aether from the crystal, suffusing the fourn syrixi with it.  The familiar whorls of water that normally flow along her staff now ring all four of the devices.  The devices work in tandem to form and fire a cross-shaped blade of high-pressure water. Zena finds energy in the crystal she was given. Zena runs her hand along the sharpest part of her weapon. She thinks of the bond she and Ruby share and thinks their unity will only grow in time. Her eyes glow red as her weapon is now covered in roses.  Ruby closes her eyes and looks inside of herself. She tries to think about what it is that she can do to continue the fighting. And then she sees an image inside of her mind. She remembers back to the day that she almost died in combat with this group. And then she remembers her transformations. So much wasted energy... She takes a deep breath and lets out a yell of pain as black and red wings erupt from her back. Ruby leaps into the air and slams herself onto the ground, sending out a single wave of dark corruption from her blade.

Trunks infuses his middle fingers and thumb tips with a very thin strongly vibrating wind energy. His boots have glowing pressure beneath and behind them building. After a few seconds a loud blast goes off and Trunks disappears before their eyes, and he stands behind Jayne. Trunks was able to create a new ability with his element.

Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Ep37_910

Jayne cheers in excitement knowing that the group was able to tap into their magick and create new abilities. Jayne decides to also test their abilities to act on the fly. Jayne sends a blast of attacks towards the group to see how well they would do in a moment’s notice. Jayne sneaks behind each person skating along the ground. Jayne swept past Trunks kicking him the shin to bring him down while keeping Zena and Ruby together she used the gravity of her weapon to hit them with a bit of force. With K’enion knew to the group Jayne simply gives them a good shoving to show that she will need to connect in time. While as Ljrn...Jayne heads to her with a ball of dark matter. How will Ljrn block the attack?  Ljrn squints at the card, her ears rising on alert.  At the last second, turns the syrixi around and uses them to form a barrier around herself, after all, a test of individual reflexes and awareness.

Jayne continues to test the group by pairing them with each other now: Ruby and Zena. K'enion and Ljrn. Trunks and Jayne. She places three crystal-like items on the ground to create something for the group to attack. She asks each time to focus and work together on learning how to fight side by side.

K'enion glared at the crystal on the ground before looking towards her. Jumping sky high into the air eyes flaring red as if they were on fire as three-ring formed above the crystal soon enough K'enion crashed down a roar coming from her as the impact exploded in flames. As K’enion hits the crystal Ljrn flies in after her. Ljrn uses her magick to cover K’enion’s lance, overcharging the aetheric impact and pulverizing the crystal into a fine dust.

Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Ep37_111

With her wings gone now, Ruby takes in a deep breath. She tries to match Zena's energy as close as possible, thinking it best not to corrupt everyone around here. With the amount stored up, she smiles. She finally lunges at the crystal and slams her fist hard into it and the ground. A small, controlled burst of her aether makes the crystals flammable. Zena extends out her arms as if she was welcoming the power and aether from Ruby. With her hands still holding her chakrams, Zena steps fiercely along the ground before leaping into the air and a shadow-like cloud engulfs her weapons. She swings past Ruby and blows a kiss before allowing her Chakrams to fly and slice the crystal.

Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Ep37_112

Jayne creates a sword out of magick and tosses it towards Trunks. As Jayne throws the sword, Trunks without missing a beat drop to a knee, lifting his rifle and fires a single bullet striking the pommel of the weapon and as the manipulated wind energy is transferred to the sword it vibrates to dangerous levels. Trunks watches and after 45 seconds the crystal doesn't shatter, it literally splits in half. Jayne now sees the power growing in each member of The Legacy. She knew that tapping into this power would be so strong. Would they be able to withstand the final joining of their new crystals? K'enion tapped her chin eyeing the crystal for a moment letting out a small sigh. K’enion could see fire and protecting dragons…it would prove to be most useful to her. Zena feels herself become one with the crystal she was given. She looks to Ruby and knows that due to the love for the woman who stood by her side she would be able to fight with the other when it came time to face death.

Ruby closes her eyes as she begins to think. She looks to the crystal in question and concentrates. She stares at the coloring, making it remind her so much of her home. Or what used to be her home. Home... No, her home was never in the Void. She was born half-mortal, so that means she was here first. At that moment she smiles. She looks over to Zena and lets her aether surge for a split second as it merges with itself. What used to be two parts at odds, now mingle and become one. She feels her body change to the new aether, no longer pulling from the surroundings as she usually does. Instead, it pulses and flows like that of a mortal. But still holds the power of the void. She finally accepts both sides of her. And it shows with her body returning to a state of harmony. Trunks just stands there with no emotion. He just stares at the crystal, chipped, and cracked. As he steps away, he thinks of Shiva and for a moment his heart begins to ache. It seems hard to believe but being away from her really does affect his abilities...who'd have thought love was that powerful. Feeling her link to water as strong as ever, Ljrn is.. content.  Especially now that she's certain she can draw on Hydaelyn's elemental gift without having the lug around a cumbersome staff.  But... these small tools will need a serious upgrade to handle the throughput.

Jayne wipes beads of sweat off of her head and smiles and lets The Legacy know that once again they proved how strong they truly were. After their training session, the group decides that going home, for now, would be best. This would also give K’enion the opportunity to meet the remaining members and soldiers of The Legacy. When the group arrives back at their home, Dorion was the first the group would run into. Dorion was cautious of K’enion but, Jayne assured him that K’enion was a good person. Dorion also noticed that his sister and Ruby were up to something as well. Trunks excused himself from the room as there were some things he needed to take care of while Ljrn went back to research her weapon. Unsure how to talk to Dorion about Ruby and Zena, Jayne decides to get K’enion a room and help her get acquainted with the home. It would seem that Dorion had a long night ahead of him.

Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Ep37_113

Episode 37: Boots On The Ground  Facebo63

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Join date : 2022-01-22


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